Monday, July 11, 2011

A.Y.C.E Sushi Death

A new sushi place opened up in my area around Dufferian and Finch called Kaze Sushi so of course I called up my sushi explorer Ashley "Tofu" from "popgoestheflash" and we checked it out.

This place is pretty awesome compared to the other A.Y.C.E places we tried out like Aji Sai although aji sai has better decour although I could care less since it's the food I'm paying for not wall to wall mirrors.....anyways the staff are all really nice and attentive and they have a fairly large menu.

If your ever in the area check it out its only $11.99 for lunch 12-3 and they currently have a 10% promotion running since it's their grand opening.

Not too sure how long it will last in that area since most places @ that plaza turns around pretty quickly but heres hoping it last!


P.s we ordered way to much food the second round and were in a sushi coma for a while started walking and took a 20min break sitting between parked cars and set out a s.o.s on fb for a ride no one answered so i walked home :c lol

P.s.s Got a call from my boss while i was taking a nap and answered talking about sushi...thats going to be a interesting topic tomorrow lol

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Friday, July 8, 2011


A few things today: 
1. Shot Chocolate Macarons
2.Started playing around with text
3.Got my delivery of Vanilla Beans from France finally...(long story short cheaper on ebay then any store in Toronto, but there was a postal strike)
4.Got my new business card sample pack from MOO printer profiles a bit off need to adjust colour and change images
5.A few DIY  projects are going to start happening soon some of which are a camera slider and a soft box for my SB-900. Will be pretty easy once I round up supplies.
6.Started up a Vimeo (sp?) account the ex film student in me is starting to emerge *Kid Pix Voice* "OH NOOO!".....and yeah I think thats all for now -__-

Too warm in my place filling started to get soft :( 
Still taste good though :)

Macaron recipes pretty much all follow the same recipe give or take various flavours and colour this is the one I used this time but I aged my egg whites for around 3 or 4 days and used a different filling recipe the ends up pretty much the same. Also yeah there will be spelling, grammer and all sorts of errors in that recipe didn't really prof no like english ^_^

Vanilla Beans smell so good! 
The tapes just there to hide my address because that's just dangerous lol 

A few of the sample cards. I can't figure out how to rotate at the moment :(

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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Currently editing: Raspberry Souffle

Well hello again wink wink nudge nudge.......
I've been told several times this week that I'm weird and to that I say weird or totally awesome!?.....
Seriously though yesterday I made a Raspberry Souffle whoot whoot! Way to hot to be in my kitchen though had a headache for like 5 hours pretty sure thats not the plan for this week was to do a shoot a day this week being themed desserts but today my brother took over my studio a.k.a my living room and refused to move because god forbid he couldn't go a day without playing Call of Duty on the big screen, dude shouldn't you be in summer school by the way? lol and I also got a call to go to North Campus tomorrow as well so not a lot of time to shot and make everything is there? It also doesn't help that some of the things I was planning to make was a: Raspberry Silk Cake, French Macarons, Ferrero Rocher Tarts and others....can't I ever just make cookies or something? ^_^

Yeah so here's one of the shots I'm currently editing so yeahhhh........