Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Down and Dirty

I know I know I haven't posted in forever so here's the down and dirty of where i've been, what i've been up to and others

1. Switched departments at Humber now work part-time in the photography department (love it)
2. Been studio hunting
3. Organized and dedicated an area in my house for props/equipment 8 hrs later still not done....
4. To shake things up did a fashion shoot with MJ the other day. (It was cold)
5. Started prepping/hiring assistant for Feb 4, 2013 wedding in North Bay
6. Booked a wedding in North Bay =)
7. Started a FB page in like May but didn't publish it yet lol
8. Shoot a bunch of food
9. Sent Mac in for repair Apple bent the logic board and was laptop-less for a month so have a slew of images to edit :(
10. Going to be in NYC from Dec 24-27
11. Started using Instagram @snapmmmkay, Twitter @SnapMmmkay, & Tumblar @Kadeisha-Richards follow me =) (I post a lot more to Instagram than to here because It's quicker and sometimes I don't have something to say
12. Starting up a free food related projects along the lines of reviews and videos
13. Might be going to Ecuador / Peru in May on another Neil Fox adventure! whoot whoot

That's all I can remember at the moment oh I also updated my website added some new images took off some old ones etc.

Bellow are some screen grabs of images i've been working on and things I still need to edit.

Later days


Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Light of the Night 1

The Captured

The Captured by Kadeisha Richards
The Captured, a photo by Kadeisha Richards on Flickr.

This image is part 2 of 4 of a series printed directly onto metal currently on display at the Joseph D. Carrier Art Gallery in Toronto in the show "Made In China".

“Made in China”, explores an array of beauty and traditional culture beyond the stereotype of consumerism. It brings to life the essence of China, a country of endless exploration. The photographs from the body of work “Made in China”, will present various styles, formats, and genres through the eyes of each of the twenty – two photographers in attendance.

This show is part of CONTACT - “An annual festival of photography in Toronto, during the month of May, with over 1000 local, national and international artists exhibiting at almost 200 venues. CONTACT is the largest photography event in the world, and a premiere cultural event in Canada.”

For more info visit:

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Felisha & Kris Wedding Preview

Now I don't shoot weddings often; however, when it's a destination wedding to Punta Cana and it's a amazing couple like Felisha & Kris who can decline? It was an amazing trip with a lot of memorial moments one of which is that it was my birthday the same day as the wedding and the bride and groom decided to get the waiters to give me a lap a said not your ordinary couple.

Anyways check out a few of the images bellow and a preview of the highlight reel. I'm still working on the images a full post should follow by next week.

Kris - Groom

Felisha - Bride

Danielle - Groomsmen/girl also my roommate from China

I didn't get a chance to go into town for long but did mangage to sneak off the resort for a bit on morning.

I think thats their president in the background
or someone trying to get elected, his face is everywhere :s 

Saw this kid baby we stopped by the church but didn't get a chance to 
take her photo, luckily we saw her again while passing by another church. 


The Hanging

It's been a long time coming but it's finally done. Made In China is officially hung! Started at 6:30 p.m. and ended at 1:00 a.m. :0 time really flys when you have stuff to do.

Be sure to come and check out the show, by far this is one of the best student exhibition set ups of these trips I've seen so far. A lot of interesting framing, mounting, and images. This is not your average exhibit to say the least.

I'll be posting photos and video of the opening reception later this week in the meantime here are a few images from location during set-up :)
Metal Prints
Alana Hanging & Ashley Sitting

p.s did I mention I got voluntold as one of the MC's for the night? Oh here go hell come :)

Monday, April 2, 2012

Ni Hao, Peachy Pie

Hello Hello!

As usual it's been a while, been very busy for some reason at this time of the year a lot of work ends up coming my way at once so today will be a quick post.

In China related news,

Check out the newest edition of PhotoNews magazine for a article about our trip and the other events the Creative Photography program has in store!

If you can't get your had a hard copy check it out online by clicking this link - Photo News - Made In China

Also be sure to check us out on the official CONTACT Photography website as well as in the magazine. 

And now for non China related news and to make my tittle of this post make a bit more sense, is a screen shot of a recent Peach & Blueberry cake from a few days ago. 

So Long 

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The China Experience Pt.3

Part 3 of my random behind the scenes videos of our experience in China. The gallery show is getting closer and work is slowly coming together, just need to get all my images printed & framed by April 19 :o, so soon!


Thursday, February 9, 2012

"Made In China" Gallery

The time is here the announcement of our gallery show!

The name of our show has finally been decided along with the date for the opening reception!

Join us on May 3, 2012 for the opening reception of "Made in China" a collective body of work by twenty-two photographers documenting their trip to China during May of 2011.

Bellow are two different versions of our email mail out.

Hope to see you all there if your in Toronto!

I'm making waffles!

Had the day off today and woke up early because of the sunlight again. So I  decided to pull out the waffle marker I  just bought and have a quick shoot. Btw you know you have a strange sleeping patterns when your co-worker calls you at 10:00 a.m. and is very shocked to find out your actually awake at a decent hour of the day.......T_T Just to be clear I don't work night shifts I work 8:30 a.m. -4:30 p.m. 3 days a week. If you give me a day I will sleep the day away if I have nothing to do ^_^

Anyways still editing these photos and cleaning up, had a giant spill of maple syrup at the end of the shoot.....

Then I started stabbing blackberries for fun :)

Until next time


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

God took this photo.....

God took this photo.....

Okay maybe God didn't take this photo but he was my assistant ^_^
I'm not religious at all (let's be honestly I haven't been to church since I was 6, I'm now 21.....)I'm just messing with you guys, the reason why I said God was my "assistant" was because I needed some fill and both my reflectors are at friends houses, no foam core/corrugated plastic, and no aluminum foil....what the hell;however, thats when God came into my life and I remembered that there was a God Bless Our Home mirror hanging in my mums room and here we are. ^_^

Anyways crappy story over, this is one of the shots I took just now unedited. Once I combine my exposures and such I'll post the finish product. BTW  this was a spur of the moment shoot, was told not to go to work today since there was a power outage (why does this happen every year? :s) So I slept till 1:00 p.m., don't judge me, until the sun started glaring through the window and woke me up.

Not 100% what to call this dessert, let's just call it no bake cheesecake. All I had that was quick to prepare was cream cheese, chocolate, graham crackers, pecans, and sheered coconuts. THESE WERE THE INGREDIENTS CHOSEN TO MAKE THE PERFECT LITTLE DESSERT, BUT PROFESSOR KIDDY ACCIDENTALLY ADDED AAN EXTRA INGREDIENT TO THE CONCOCTION.....CHEMICAL X! THUS THE "NO BAKE CHEESECAKE" WAS BORN!!!........sorry but the Powerpuff Girls them popped into my head so I had to type that out *shame*

Anyways, there's a fashion shoot coming up Sunday bellow is a test of us working on hair and make up.

Until next time,



Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Sorry I didn't call......

It's been a really long time hasn't it? I know I suck, but when I come back I always bring interesting things with me no? :) Today I bring you 1 of images I'm currently on for the gallery show in May.

No imagine that printed on a sheet of metallic ......can't imagine it? Then come out and see it at the gallery:-)

The name of our show and opening reception date have finally been finalized, I'm currently in the process of creating the invitation.

Expect a few posts in the next week about the gallery and some shoots I recently did :)