Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Down and Dirty

I know I know I haven't posted in forever so here's the down and dirty of where i've been, what i've been up to and others

1. Switched departments at Humber now work part-time in the photography department (love it)
2. Been studio hunting
3. Organized and dedicated an area in my house for props/equipment 8 hrs later still not done....
4. To shake things up did a fashion shoot with MJ the other day. (It was cold)
5. Started prepping/hiring assistant for Feb 4, 2013 wedding in North Bay
6. Booked a wedding in North Bay =)
7. Started a FB page in like May but didn't publish it yet lol
8. Shoot a bunch of food
9. Sent Mac in for repair Apple bent the logic board and was laptop-less for a month so have a slew of images to edit :(
10. Going to be in NYC from Dec 24-27
11. Started using Instagram @snapmmmkay, Twitter @SnapMmmkay, & Tumblar @Kadeisha-Richards follow me =) (I post a lot more to Instagram than to here because It's quicker and sometimes I don't have something to say
12. Starting up a free food related projects along the lines of reviews and videos
13. Might be going to Ecuador / Peru in May on another Neil Fox adventure! whoot whoot

That's all I can remember at the moment oh I also updated my website added some new images took off some old ones etc.

Bellow are some screen grabs of images i've been working on and things I still need to edit.

Later days


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