Friday, February 18, 2011


        Assignment for Commercial class shoot a toy car in studio then photoshop it into a background of your choosing. Clearly I haven't done the second part yet but I enjoy showing my process with this stuff. Still need to do post production on the car it self: colour, dust, perspective etc. 

 Really should've had some black cards cut out to fit the car form probably. Live & Learn

Used a Mamiya camera for this assignment get better focus with them then using the Hassablads we have. 
©2011 All Rights Reserved Kadeisha Richards

The Night

Currently sitting in McDz sipping apple juice and editing pictures at 8am. Why? Remember that interview I told you I had today? Guess who was a overly excited and showed up at 8am when she was supposed to be there at 10? ME! lol at least I know where it is now better early then late as they say.

So shoot some food/commercial stuff last night which was interesting my food styling skills are all over the map went in with one idea came out with something completely different; while cleaning up and started shooting all over again XP 

Here's some samples of the night still working on the post production.

*The shot of the Asahi was very random to say the least found it in my room from a pervious shoot and figured why not? Still deciding how I want to edit it =S*

Thursday, February 17, 2011

A day of discovery

It's been awile hasn't it? Haiii
Just a quick update on my life as of late:
1.still attending humber for photography *final strech*!
2. 2 weeks off of school starting next week! But will be interning everyday of that break with amazing photographers in toronto!
3. Been working on my portfolio direction and creation of a website so look foreward =D i
4. Interning @ Twist Gallery and I'm offically inviting you to the offical launch party TWIST IN MOTION! A jam packed night with great food, art, music, and ppl! Ill post the poster once i get on my laptop currently on my phone

5. Had a diacovery day with one of my favorite classmates of all time Ashley TOFU! A very interesting day in deed a day at the beach during winter climbing the glaceirs and recieving worrying stares as to how close we were to the edge.....sushi and much more heres some snaps from the day.

I'll post legit pictures later tonight maybe probably not have a interview tomorrow so i should sleep!

Later Days

P.s new phone N97 is in the shop was given a HTC Desire Z as a replacement I refuse to give it back I love this phone! Although there are some aspects of my n97 i wished it had though =D

Sent from my HTC

Monday, February 7, 2011

Can I buy you a drink?

Assignment for commercial photography course. 
Was a interesting day I broke my 2nd glass while drying it, so this took a lot of extra Photoshop and still needs more T_T

©2011 All Rights Reserved Kadeisha Richards