Friday, February 1, 2013

CE: Accordion Potatoes

Hello hello!

Back again with another image that I'm currently editing.
Haven't done anything to the image really so far except for cropping and adding text.

Don't think I plan on doing much more other than some spot removal on the background and playing around with the type. I'm not a fan of all the negative space in the bottom left corner, i'll probably add the recipe there or something. Once I finish I'll be sure to post the final image here and on my website.

Later days


Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Bullets of Life - Jan 30, 2013

Hello hello!

Welcome to "Bullets of Life"! A monthly post updating you on what I'm doing and where I'm going.
Why bullets? Let's be honest I suck at writing, I'm a person of few words (I just get tongue tied a lot T_T), and grammer pisses me off to be frank. ^_^ Aren't you excited?!

Without further ado:

1. Shooting a wedding next week in North Bay on Feb 9, 2013

2. Planning a "I put that shit on everything - Pulled Pork edition" photoshoot! Be very excited

3. Editing a slew of images old and new

4. Updating website  - deleting and adding

5. Went to NYC for the holidays expect a few images from that.

6. Got some LED lights so expect some video production to start coming out

7. Working on new marketing strategies

8. "Made in China" the gallery show I was in last year is still alive and kicking! You can see some images online at or in-stores in their gallery check the website for dates and locations. Next stop Ottawa!

9. Another summer another adventure. I'll be heading to Ecuador and Peru for 21 April 26 - May 17!

10. My bank account is gasping for air after having to pay for #9! T_T

11. Might go to culinary school in the fall.....

Until next time....

Drink It Up

Jesus I'm really bad with this blogging thing aren't I?
I always think I posted something but that was just me pre planning a post then forgetting about it T_T

Can I change? Maybe. Will I? I'll try :)
Friday's are my days off so I'm planning on posting every Friday, and believe me I have a ridiculous amount of unedited photos that need to get done and uploaded!  So that will last awhile along with all the new stuff I'm shooting.

To make up for the lack of post I give you two drink shots I've done recently. Haven't really shot/styled drinks in a while so this has been a learning curve. Expect me to push a few more within the next month.

I love adding text, it looks more complete to me.

Next post: Bullets of Life

Later days!