Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Ni Hao, Canada I've Returned ^_^

I have returned!! From where you might ask? China of course! Forgot to post about that didn't I? Mah bad (story about "mah bad" later)
So why in gods name was I in China? Remember how I went to France last year with my college? Pretty much the same thing but with all 2nd years so like a grad trip and with Professor Fox (ryan our chinese/british accent Shakespeare loving tour guide dubbed him, we just call him neil lol)
So yeah we were down there for 18days from May 4th-21st and it was 18days of greatness and a place I will surely travel too again on my own time minus tour guides so I can shoot on my own pace :)
Lot's to tell, so much seen I don't even know where to start. One major thing was we slept on the Great Wall of China and when I say sleep I don't mean on the bottom in one of the camping sites I mean legit climbed up and slept on those rocks waiting for sunrise and yes we peed on the great wall how many ppl can say that? XP There was also Kayaking, Biking, Rock Climbing, Boat Cruises, Monkey Brains in soup, rain rain and more rain, heat heat and more heat, perverted old men, and lots more. Stories of the trip will slowly come out along with corresponding pictures to help tell the story more in the mean time here some snaps to pass the time .Peace!!

P.s Steven Smith I am obsessed with you.....
P.s.s In 2012 me and the 21 other photographers I traveled with will be holding a gallery showing in May during Torontos Contact Photography Festival, look foreword to it!

Professor Fox chilling on the Great Wall

Resting at a bar after lunch with the bartender Terry

Ashley from popgoestheflash

My lovely roommate Danielle 

Me and Ashley after waking up on the great wall 

This guy started writing on some of our arms,
some said soemthing along the lines of
"I have a boyfriend, dont kiss me"
"I want a rich husband"
lol needless to say those that had it got stopped a lot lol

We went to a school in Yongsho to teach middle school children to use Olympus cameras.
This is Samuel; me, ashley, and amanda were working with. He was so cute and shy!

In our 2012 gallery showing photos that the children took will also be on display ^_^

Rock climbing in Yongsho

Dave!! Ni Haaaaaao =P

Alana & Chantal

It's funny but in China we all got stopped at least 10 times a day to have our picture taken with locals took some time to get used to too say the least lol

My day to take group picture on the 2nd last day in Shanghai

and lastly a photography I took while we were in Guilin (I think)? Glad I woke up early and decided to go out, as you can tell it was pretty foggy.

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